Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sappi YouTube Channel

A friend sent this along to me yesterday and it was just too funny not to share.

The video is one of a series that Sappi is planning to launch on their new new YouTube channel.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Deliver Your Message with ClingZ

"Versatile, moveable advertising media - put anywhere!

ClingZ is a patented, electrically charged, printable polypropylene film. The benefit of ClingZ is its ability to cling to virtually any clean, dry indoor surface without leaving a residue.

This unique ability creates many different applications including point of purchase advertising, pharmaceutical or educational signage, banners, direct mail promotions, temporary wall decor and more.

ClingZ offers an effective alternative to static cling vinyl, pressure sensitive media and other self adhesive products."

For more information, contact a Payne sales associate today.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Are You Using QR Codes Yet?

I've been fielding more and more questions about QR Bar Codes lately, so here's the skinny...

"A QR Code (it stands for "Quick Response") is a mobile phone readable barcode that's been big in Japan forever, broke into Europe a while back, and is now getting traction in USA.

In it's simplest sense think "print based hypertext link" - simply encode a URL into the QR Code and then point a mobile phone (or other camera-enabled mobile) at it. If the device has had QR Code decoding software installed on it, it will fire up its browser and go straight to that URL.

But it doesn't stop there - a QR Code can also contain a phone number, an SMS message, V-Card data or just plain alphanumeric text, and the scanning device will respond by opening up the correct application to handle the encoded data appropriately..." (

If you have a smart phone such as a Blackberry, Droid or iPhone for example, simply visit your app store and download one of any number of scanning apps. Most of these are free and most work pretty well. Open the app, point it at the bar code at the top of this post and scan it. It will launch your phone's browser and take you directly to the URL that I have encoded into the barcode. Pretty Cool.

Let us know if you'd like some help in incorporating a QR Code on one your printed pieces, we're happy to help!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Digital Printing Adds Additional Value

So this is essentially the same information that you'll find by selecting the "Digital" link in navigation at the top of the page, but I thought that it was important enough to highlight.

The addition of digital print capabilities allows us to pair our high-quality offset printing with fast-turn, high-quality digital; making us the perfect source for all your print needs.

If you're considering a digital print run, here's what you'll want to know about our Canon digital press.
  • Prints full color at 1200 x 1200 dpi
  • 12 x 18 sheet (11 x 17 + bleed)
  • Runs uncoated, gloss, satin, dull and matte substrates
  • Runs weights up to 120# Cover
If you're ready to get moving on a project, simply upload your files via the "Simple FTP Upload" launch located in the left margin of this page and give us a call with the project details.

For more information or to request digital print samples, please click HERE.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

SHINE Shimmering Metallics = Cool

We just produced this pocket folder for one of our partners utilizing SHINE Pearl Metallic by Reich Papers. The resulting piece was so cool that I just had to post about it.

Here's the skinny on SHINE taken right from Reich Paper's website.

SHINE brings a subtle shimmer to every design, combining natural minerals with organic pigments, for a rich, luminous effect. We’ve expanded our offering of SHINE Pearl with the addition of a new SHINE Pearl Digital.

Manufactured without the use of metals or foils, SHINE is recyclable, biodegradable, acid free, and elemental chlorine free.

SHINE is also FSC certified.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Local News Coverage

A Snippet from the Times Leader article dated September 9th, 2010:

DALLAS TWP. – As Frank Cunius Jr. spoke, the sun peeked behind the clouds bringing a shadow over the solar panels a small group had gathered by on Thursday afternoon.

Even with the shade, Cunius knew the panels were harnessing the sun’s power and keeping his company’s electricity bill down.

The 180 solar panels, installed last December on a grassy area of Payne Printery’s property along Memorial Highway, were pricey but well worth it, said Payne Printery officials. At a cost of close to $400,000, the panels meant a major up-front investment for the company that employs about 60 people.

But thanks in large part to a $99,700 rebate through the state’s Sunshine Grant, the company decided to move forward with the project.

“The biggest catalyst for us to do this was the incentives from the state and federal tax incentives,” Cunius said. “Without that, it’s not even possible to think about doing.”

A state Department of Environmental Protection spokesman thanked company officials their efforts in using alternative energy during the short and informal ceremony. Payne was among a handful of companies and even some residences throughout the state being recognized this month by DEP for their investments and efforts.

Previous stops on the thank-you tour have included Pocono Raceway in Long Pond and future stops include the Crayola Factory near Easton.

“That’s the point of this tour,” said DEP spokesman Mark Carmon, “to show the successes. … On behalf of Gov. (Ed) Rendell and DEP Secretary (John) Hanger, we want to say thank you.”

Carmon said businesses that make the investment in green energy show others that it’s possible and economical and it spur interest in the idea.

For the complete article, please visit the Times Leader website by clicking HERE.

And for information on how renewable, solar energy can work for your company, please contact A.J. Bittner and Keystone Energy by clicking HERE.

Friday, September 3, 2010

566 New Colors from Pantone

With such a huge selection of Pantone colors at your disposal, why not use them. Adding additional colors to your project will surely enhance the piece and in many instances, improve its quality.

For example, you still see a number of projects utilizing screens and process builds to create color for copy. Though this will save you a bit in costs, utilizing 100% of a Pantone color will create much sharper, more readable copy. After all, the goal of the project is to deliver a message, correct?

Running Pantone colors will also increase your control over your press run resulting in a better finished product. Please don't misunderstand me here. You can still produce high quality projects with 4-color process.

My point is that most pieces utilize specific color palettes throughout. If you are trying to keep solid colors or screens consistent from page to page, than you may sometimes find yourself making sacrifices to fleshtones, product shots or other pieces or art within the project.

Running Pantones in these instances will give the press operator much more control over color.

Maybe most importantly, if your organization utilizes a color or colors that directly represent your brand, than the use of a Pantone color is always the best way to maintain consistency across multiple projects.

If you have a project in development and question whether or not the use of a Pantone color is necessary or recommended, please give us a call. We're happy to review the project with you and offer our insight into what will yield the best results.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Utopia Green Zone

Appleton Coated has put together a very cool and useful website called "The Utopia Green Zone".

As you can see from the screen capture above, it contains four micro-sites that are aimed at educating those interested in "Green" print production.

It's obvious that more and more companies and organizations are expanding their "Green" initiatives and I think that this site from Utopia is a great resource for developing your own standard processes.

It will take you a few minutes to navigate through the site, so grab a coffee or something and get comfortable. It's time well spent spent.

Friday, July 30, 2010

FSC Website Worth Checking Out

I posted a link yesterday on facebook pertaining the FSC and its US website. It occurred to me that it would be worth mentioning on this blog as well.

By now, most of us are all somewhat familiar with the FSC and its mission. But, have you ever taken the time to visit their website? I do all the time as I'm constantly referencing the ever-growing list of certified papers.

You can download their Product Labeling Guide, a very useful tool detailing the do's and dont's of label usage, by clicking on the link in the "Download Center" along the left side of this page. This among several other useful PDFs are available for download on the FSC site as well.

Grab a coffee, launch Firefox and check it out.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Print Grows Trees Webinar (Registration)

Click the Image to Register.

Definitely worth checking out if you have the time.


Friday, July 9, 2010

Apples-to-Apples Comparisons?

I'm hearing this more and more these days, but the reality is that there's no such thing. At least not as it pertains to commercial printing.

There are just far too many variables that can affect your project that aren't measured in the "low bid" print environment.

Let's take technology for example. Is it a fair assessment that a new Heidelberg press with 6-color and in-line aqueous coating capabilities would have better print characteristics than an older press with less automation? I think so. But that isn't taken into account in many cases.

In fact, there are so many important factors that aren't always taken into account. Technology is obviously a big one, but what about experience, customer service, the advantages of aqueous coatings over varnishes (which there are many) and environmental awareness to name just a few.

Let's face it, the economic climate right now is not terrific and that's being generous. Companies, big and small, good and bad are bidding on the same pool of business. How can you be sure that you're projects are in the right hands?

The best advice that I can give to you is to know your vendors and ask lots of questions.

If your lowest price is significantly lower than the rest, ask why that is? If you want the benefits of an aqueous coating, make sure that's what you're getting. Varnishes are often substituted for aqueous coatings since a lot of older presses aren't equipped with the capability. I

If you're project has more than 4 colors plus varnishes or coatings, make sure your vendors can produce it in one press pass (unless a special process like a dry-trap spot varnish is called for). There are still a lot of companies that only have 4 or 5 color presses. It's not uncommon in these cases to produce a project in 2 passes, but there's no doubt that this will directly affect print quality.

I guess the point that I'm trying to make here is that not all bids are created equal. If you're aware of the differences between your vendors, you can make an informed decision and ultimately get more value for your print spend.

And of course, when it doubt, just award the project to us. : - )

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Magnets Made Easy

So I'm not sure if you've ever gone through the process of sourcing a magnet or not.

It can be a rather lengthy and expensive process if you go through the traditional means of magnet production.

If you have a need for a magnet, than Magnecote is a great solution.

Magnecote has taken Sterling Ultra and combined it with a magnetic coating to create a paper that can be perforated, diecut, laminated and produced on a sheet-fed press.

We've run it on number of occasions and have had great results.

If you're interested in seeing Magecote samples, simply click HERE, fill out the form and submit.

Is Your Brochure Bound for a Binder?

Have you ever even heard of a loop stitch? Don't feel bad if you haven't. There aren't alot of printers out there that do it. In fact, we hadn't for a long time either.

If you have heard of loop stitching, you might have found it to be a pricier form of binding. If so, that's probably because most printers outsource the service and therefore you find yourself paying for the transport of your materials to and from a bindery that does loop stitch.

If you are fortunate enough to have a vendor who has loop stitching capabilities than you've got a great alternative to the standard 3-hole punch technique. Of course, when I refer to your vendor I'm talking about us!

Don't get me wrong, the standard 3-hole punch approach is fine. We're happy to do that for you. But, the loop stitch is definitely more functional and looks much cooler as an end product.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Let Your Audience Know that You Print Responsibly

We just printed this "Go Green" brochure for one of our University partners and it's a great example of how you might utilize one or more of our "Green Print" logos and/or graphics on your materials.

By now you're probably already using FSC Certified papers in your production; which is great. But, are you taking it a step further and utilizing renewable energy such as solar power to fuel the production of your materials?

For more information on what "Green Solutions" are available to you, simply reach out to your Payne sales associate or send me a quick e-mail at

Print responsibly.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Print Design and Environmental Responsibility

Heidelberg is a great resource for information on "Green Printing".

Many of these resources are located on there website and you can check them out by clicking HERE .

One of the items available for download is a report on Sustainable Design for Print. Since many of you are graphic designers, I thought that you might be interested in checking it out.

You can download a PDF of "Print Design and Environmental Responsibility" by clicking HERE.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Heidelberg Tech Days 2010

Here are some photos from Heidelberg Tech Days 2010.

We spent 2 days at Heidelberg's North American Headquarters in Georgia and it's easy to see why Heidelberg has the best prepress, press and finishing products in the world.

If you value the quality of the printed products you design, manage or purchase, than you really should be working with companies that utilize Heidelberg Technology.

Hey, just in case you didn't already know it, we are a fully-integrated, exclusively Heidelberg commercial printery.

I know. I think it's cool too.

Monday, March 8, 2010

House Sheets Offer Excellent Value

Now please don't get me wrong, there are some really great sheets out there that we love to print on.

But, we have a very strong line up of House Sheets that I'm sure will meet your needs and... wait for it... save you some money too.

All FSC Certified, they offer a variety of weights, coatings, and brightness as well varying degrees of recycled content.

Diamond is a premium (number 1) sheet with 10% post-consumer recycled fiber. It's available in Matte, Silk, and Gloss finishes, is produced both acid and chlorine free and offers a 92 brightness.

Tower is a number 2 sheet also with 10% post-consumer recycled fiber. It is available in Satin and Gloss finishes and offers a 87 brightness on a double-coated smooth surface.

Endurance is our newest house sheet and we've been really impressed with its results. Endurance is another number 2 sheet available in Silk and Gloss finishes. Though FSC Certified, it is not a recycled sheet. However, Endurance does offer a great surface for print and a 93 to 96 brightness depending on finish.

If you'd like to request swatch books or samples of materials printed with any of these stocks, just drop us a line at 800.724.3188 or e-mail me at

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Payne Article in BackMountain.Org

Below is the article for, but if you'd like more information or to see some photos of our array, click HERE.

The executives at Payne Printery know today’s customers want more “green”-based solutions that lessen the impact of production on the environment. But the fourth-generation, family-owned and operated business also knows that environmentally-friendly alternatives can generate more “green-backs” through increased revenues and reduced costs.

With that in mind, Payne recently completed the installation and integration of a new 56 kilowatt solar energy array on its Dallas Township site. The project was made possible, in part, through grants and incentives offered by the state and federal government.

“The array offers so many benefits to us as a company, to commercial print consumers, and to the environment” says owner and Chief Operations Officer, Brett Gauntlett. For starters, the array can convert energy from the sun into usable energy for the company’s operations at a rate of 10 to 15 percent of the company’s usage throughout the year. Installed by locally-based Keystone Energy, the system, an investment of "a few hundred thousand" dollars, is expected to reap a return in 10-20 years. In addition, the array can generate revenue through renewable energy credits, which can be sold to utility companies when they fall short of their state-mandated levels.

Payne has positioned itself to offer its customers a variety of environmentally friendly and responsible print solutions that, in addition to their new array, include paper supplied from ecologically sustainable sources through their FSC Certification and with the standard use of vegetable-based inks.

Payne Printery produces high-quality, sheet-fed, commercial print materials supporting the needs of higher education as well as the manufacturing, pharmaceutical, financial, and health care industries. To compliment its print offerings, the company also provides complete mailing and fulfillment services and is certified in unique processes such as Metal FX and ClingZ printing.
To see a facilities tour of Payne Printery, visit their blog at: You can learn more about Payne by reading the company web site at:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cool New iPhone App from Pantone

The video above is a walk through for the new iPhone app developed by Pantone. It obviously has a number of cool features and comes loaded with the following libraries:

* PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® (coated, uncoated and matte)
* PANTONE Goe™ (coated and uncoated)
* PANTONE Pastels (coated and uncoated)
* PANTONE FASHION + HOME (paper and cotton)

Neenah Paper has a similar iPhone app available as well. I should be receiving a video walk through for that one shortly. I'll post it once I have it.

Though these are both cool apps for the iPhone, please remember that you are essentially viewing Pantone colors on an RGB device. That being said, please don't bring your iPhone on a press approval.