Thursday, March 19, 2009

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Information

I thought that this was pretty informative:

"Corporate social responsibility issues are becoming a core component of corporate brands. Dealing responsibly with your company’s footprint cannot only reduce risk, but can enhance your brand if you walk the walk and know how to talk about it. Carrying the FSC-certification logo on your print products tells the world that you support the highest social and environmental standards in the market where you use paper. Your purchase of FSC-certified paper and print products contribute to conservation, responsible management, and community level benefits for people near the forests that provide your paper."

"While recycled fiber is a key element of the traditional model for responsible consumption, it is becoming increasingly clear that forest management in the production of the wood used in paper manufacturing, has more fundamental importance than even recycled fiber."

If you visit, you can download a PDF of all paper mills, brands, grades, etc. that are currently FSC Certified. It'll come in handy when your trying to select the stock for your next project.

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