Monday, March 9, 2009

Postal Flat Change

Here's something that you might find interesting. New postal regulations pertaining to flats will take place on March 29th of this year. You may already know this, but here's something that I hadn't thought about.

As it pertains to "flats" (items greater than or equal to 6.125 x 11.5), the address area must be located on the top half of the mailer. The definition of the "top half" is essentially the short side.

If you are creating a self-mailer or envelope, please note that the address area will no longer be in the center of the piece. The envelope above would no longer be acceptable under these new regulations. The address area would have to be located to the left or the right of the dotted line.

If you have any inventoried items that were designed within the old regulations, you might want to check in with your USPS Entry Point Facility (bulk mail) to see if any exceptions will be made.

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